I've learned recently that groups are beginning to discover my EIGHTEEN AMAZING WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS to be a useful basic guide for feminist philosophy sessions. As there are eighteen chapters, that provides material for an equivalent number of sessions, with no fiddly photocopyng for the facilitator if each student has a book.
Students or members can be encouraged to do some additional research, and its easy enough to set out questions around each chapter to inspire lively debate.
Philosophy debates are tremendous fun and very educational. It's so enriching to know more about the great women who have made our own lives a little easier. I wish my own book had been available to me when I started running my philosophy sessions six years ago in Brighton! That, of course, is a rhetorical statement  but all the same, it's true. I had to create my own material, hence the book!
In Kindle and Paperback., pub-2384172236489926, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


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