
When Nothing Happens - Forever...

Eventually, there will be a universe where nothing happens - and nothing happens forever. All will be sea of photons which will, themselves, eventually dissolve into nothing. No memory. No matter. (In the sense of matter in physics, but it could mean matter in the sense of emotional attachment as well.) So don't bother about organising a "permanent" statue to celebrate your achievements. Just don't bother.  Attribution: Bob Lee This is according to Professor Brian Cox. He was grinning as he said it, like people do when they've clocked something you haven't. (Excuse the unintentional pun.) I was watching his Adventures in Space about the properties of space and time and, therefore spacetime, since the two cannot be separated. (According to Einstein.)  I was feeling pretty down today, and Professor Cox's programmes are always fascinating, and he's a nice sort of person to have in your living room, even if just on your TV screen.  As the Universe expand...

Cellar Arts Poets - A Special Edition of Poetic Excellence

Cellar Arts Poets This little poetry book is a non-profit publication by the Cellar Arts Club in Worthing. It was published just before the pandemic hit, so it hasn't had the benefit of a proper launch.  Poems by Angela Geach, dick douglass, eila, Elizabeth Kate Archer, Jacqueline Andrews, Janet Cameron, Joe Bunn, Naomi Wood, Pamela J Hinton, Sandy Barton and Zoe King. Too good to miss !


It is the year 1307 and two young women are preparing for the adventures of their lives. One is to be married to a King, the other, her  lady-in-waiting, intends to make the most of all of her assets; her beauty, her intelligence and an inflated sense of personal entitlement. This upwardly-mobile medieval heroine intends to stop at nothing to get what she wants, using her wits, her influence and by exploiting or thwarting the powerful men who seek either to charm her or destroy her. Lady Eleanora is a force to be reckoned with, dangerous, crafty and yet admirably resilient. Find out how she fares in the sometimes macabre reign of Queen Isabella and the husband she married for love, the tragic King Edward II. Paperback: Kindle:    Mr. F. Parker 5.0 out of 5 stars   An Entertaining Evocation of a Turbulent but Formative Period in...


Philosophers of Ancient Times - Beautiful Insights and Mad Moments I write about male philosophers too, and those ancients were brave, clever and quirky. Many of their insights and visions have stood up to the test of time. The paperback is in larger print, 16 point, but there is also a kindle ebook. THALES, ANAXIMANDER, HERACLITUS, SOCRATES, ASPASIA (the only woman in the book) DIOGYNES, PLATO, ARISTOTLE, DEMOCRITUS, EPICURUS, PYRRHO, TIMON, ZENO, ST THOMAS AQUINAS, OCKAHM. Prepare to be amazed!


I've learned recently that groups are beginning to discover my EIGHTEEN AMAZING WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS to be a useful basic guide for feminist philosophy sessions. As there are eighteen chapters, that provides material for an equivalent number of sessions, with no fiddly photocopyng for the facilitator if each student has a book. Students or members can be encouraged to do some additional research, and its easy enough to set out questions around each chapter  to inspire lively debate. Philosophy debates are tremendous fun and very educational. It's so enriching to know more about the great women who have made our own lives a little easier. I wish my own book had been available to me when I started running my philosophy sessions six years ago in Brighton! That, of course, is a rhetorical statement  :-)  but all the same, it's true. I had to create my own material, hence the book! In Kindle and Paperback. EIGH TEEN AMAZING WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS, pub...

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The Trouble with Trolleyology and Fatism A weird week this week. What do YOU think about this new trolleyology dilemma? I joined a meeting with some budding philosophers to tell them something about my research relating to women phiilosophers, from ancient times to the present day. (Eighteen Amazing Women Philosophers) It should have been fun. I planned a section on the growth of feminism through its famous "three waves" and, for a lively group discussion, I picked Philippa Foot's "Trolley Problem" where you may choose to divert a runaway trolley from its track towards one person, to save five vulnerable people on the other track. There have been a few variants on Philippa Foot's work to look at other moral aspects presented by the problem. This includes the famous variant, The Fat Man. The Fat Man version supposes that, instead of diverting the trolley with a lever, you push a fat man in front of it to stop it. Many people are willing to ...