When Nothing Happens - Forever...

Eventually, there will be a universe where nothing happens - and nothing happens forever. All will be sea of photons which will, themselves, eventually dissolve into nothing. No memory. No matter. (In the sense of matter in physics, but it could mean matter in the sense of emotional attachment as well.) So don't bother about organising a "permanent" statue to celebrate your achievements. Just don't bother. Attribution: Bob Lee This is according to Professor Brian Cox. He was grinning as he said it, like people do when they've clocked something you haven't. (Excuse the unintentional pun.) I was watching his Adventures in Space about the properties of space and time and, therefore spacetime, since the two cannot be separated. (According to Einstein.) I was feeling pretty down today, and Professor Cox's programmes are always fascinating, and he's a nice sort of person to have in your living room, even if just on your TV screen. As the Universe expand...