THE PHILOSOPHER QUEENS - New Book Claims it is the FIRST of its Kind.

I am devastated that the introductory style and format of my EIGHTEEN AMAZING WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS has been appropriated by some university graduates. This new university-supported book is not the "first" at all, and the editors shouldn't be using this claim as a promotional tool and to pursue crowdfunding, especially as the original edition of my book dates back to 2014. I am not sure how anyone could have missed my work if they were really looking as is claimed. My Fifteen Women Philosophers was published in 2014, five years ago by, and since Decoded has recently folded, the rights reverted to me and the new edition in ebook EIGHTEEN AMAZING WOMEN PHILOSOPHERS (inc. 3 extra chapters, see above) was independently published on Amazon in May 2019, swiftly followed by the paperback. During its first edition it appeared on several platforms, Amazon,, Smashwords, Goodreads. The editor of my monthly column has plugged it for me si...